Vestidos na DressSure

Hoje eu vim falar para vocês de uma loja que conheci a pouco tempo, é a DressSureE na loja vocês encontram uma enorme variedade de vestidos tendências do momento, para todo tipo de ocasião e ainda encontram modelos plus size. Escolhi alguns modelos de vestidos para mostrar à vocês.

Bodycon Dresses

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Maxi Dresses

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Na DressSure, funciona como todas essas lojas gringas na hora da compra, antes de tudo faça seu cadastro, depois é só escolher seus produtos favoritos, e finalizar a compra. Você pode escolher o tipo de frete que quer, um mais rápido, ou o que demora mais (mais barato). Como já falei em outros posts, em lojas de fora, tem que ter cartão internacional sim, eles aceitam várias bandeiras, pagamento por paypal e transferência, no site vocês podem se informar melhor.

Eu estou encantada com os vestidos, e por serem peças de muita elegância, o preço ainda é bem justo na minha opinião. Não precisa ter medo de comprar roupa com numeração errada, pois na página no produto, tem a tabela com os tamanhos em centímetros, facilitando muito mais a nossa vida.

É isso pessoal, não deixem de visitarem a loja, tenho certeza que vão amar!

Lingeries brancas de renda na Dresslily

Quando você decide que precisa comprar uma lingerie, o que pensa em primeiro lugar? Cor, conforto, modelo ou o desejo de agradar o parceiro?

Lingerie branca é quase uma unanimidade no gosto de homens e mulheres: é muito fácil se apaixonar por elas! As camisolas, calcinhas, sutiãs, espartilhos brancos tem um apelo que une a sensualidade e a pureza em uma só cor, além de ser uma cor básica e neutra que muitas vezes são necessárias para usar com certas roupas.

A lingerie branca é ideal para mostrar a beleza natural da mulher. As amantes de peças deste tom são confiantes, calmas, sérias, honestas e emotivas. Amor e carinho para as pessoas que a cercam não faltam. Nos momentos íntimos, transparecem a inocência, mas estão sempre dispostas a aprender coisas novas. Vocês conhecem o site Dresslily? Lá vocês encontram uma diversidade de roupas e acessórios, mas hoje eu vim falar sobre as lingeries que estão em promoção. Olhem só algumas peças.


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Pra comprar na loja é super tranquilo, é só fazer seu cadastro e escolher suas peças. Tem que ter cartão internacional também, heim.

Se ficarem com alguma dúvida de como comprar na loja, é só me mandar um e-mail.

Vestidos em Tons Pasteis na Rosegal

Não sei se vocês lembram, mas eu já falei da Rosegal aqui no blog, é uma loja com as últimas tendências de roupas. Lá vocês encontram roupas de praia, plus size, bolsas, sapatos, bijuterias, acessórios de cabelo, perucas, maquiagem e muito mais, dá pra você pirar com vontade de comprar tudo, rs

Mas hoje eu vim mostrar pra vocês os vestidos, que estão em promoção, com um preço super em conta, olhem só:

shop now

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Antes que me perguntem, para comprar na loja, tem que ter cartão internacional sim. Normalmente, lojas internacionais são assim. E a Rosegal aceita pagamentos com Paypal, cartões de crédito com bandeira Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Discover e Diners e cartões de débito com bandeira Visa, MasterCard, Visa Electron.

Você também pode escolher o frete que for melhor para você, tem o mais rápido, que também é um pouco mais caro, mas se você não se importar em esperar um pouco mais, vale a pena também escolher o frete mais barato.

Bom, e é isso amores, espero que tenham gostado, e qualquer dúvida, podem deixar nos comentários.


Baby sleep tips for every mom

Baby sleep tips for every mom
Do you have a baby who doesn’t sleep throughout the night like mine? Perhaps you have tried several tricks and all without success. Some babies have difficulty to sleep while others fall asleep easily. My husband and I spent a couple of weeks trying to find out the solution to help our little angel. Below are some of the tips we found out about helping the baby to sleep throughout the night without difficulty.

Reduce nap period in the day
I hate waking up a sleeping baby, but sometimes I have to. When the baby sleeps for long during the day, he is likely to sleep less during the night. If your baby sleeps for three hours, consider reducing the duration to two hours. You can do so by waking him up. If the baby needs more sleep, allow her to sleep. When you wake up the baby, feed her, play, and put her back to sleep. When you lessen the sleeping during for the day, you help the baby sleep better and all through the night. Here is what happens when you reduce the sleeping time for the baby during the day.

  • It helps to support night sleep period
  • It helps to keep the baby awake for short period
  • Encourages lots of feedings and naps during the day

Swaddle the baby
Infants from four to five months have a startle reaction that makes them feel like they are falling. This feeling results in yank movements causing the baby to wake up incidentally. Wrapping the baby with warm materials will prevent startling to wake up. This will in return assist the child to sleep well and for an extended period.

Understand your baby’s sleep routine
It is necessary for every mom to know the sleeping patterns of her baby. Though you may lessen the sleeping duration of the child during the day, it is also crucial to remember that babies sleep more when they get adequate sleep. Even as you keep the child awake, ensure you do not over-stimulate the baby. This will trigger difficulty in falling asleep and being awake. There are chances that a tired child will sleep for a short duration.

Make use of white sounds
Some babies are not used to sleeping with people talking next to them or lots of noises. But you can teach the child to sleep regardless of what’s happening around. This way you can hold a party in the next room, and the child will sleep the entire night without waking up to the noises. White sounds include placing a fan in her room but not close to her ears.

We all love it when we sleep the entire night without any disturbance. Whether you have a baby or not, you can still sleep the night entire without baby sleep issues. You just need to use the tips we have shared, and your baby will adapt to the situation. Getting adequate is imperative not only for you but also for the baby.

How You Can Surprise Her With a Unique Engagement Ring

Intending to travel soon together with your girlfriend? Think it is the perfect chance to pop the issue? Proposing abroad is exciting, fun and could be totally unpredicted. However with airport terminal security at a record high at this time, you will want to make certain to organize ahead so that you can avoid ruining the surprise.

More often than not you will be requested to obvious your pockets associated with a objects along the way through airport terminal security….so hiding the vintage style engagement rings there temporarily isn’t the best idea. Getting the ring hidden inside your bag will not trigger any alarms, there is however always the possibility your bag could possibly get looked.

The very first factor you will want to do is make certain the ring is safe and sound for travel. Normally the box the ring arrived will work for this. Typically these boxes have padding or cushioning to carry the ring safely in position, even should there be a couple of bumps on the way. If you are unsure concerning the ring box it arrived or else you want some thing discreet, just make certain it’s made from soft material. There’s also many thin ring cases that found on the internet that will make you more discreet and conceal the ring inside your suitcase effortlessly.

You will want to avoid overall this area in anything like plastic wrap or paper. In case your bag is checked, you may be requested to unwrap the package to show its contents.

While we must let airport terminal security do their jobs, there is no harm in attaching an email requesting some subtly if they have to search your bag. If you’re unfortunate enough to become selected for any search, an email can occasionally avoid the surprise from being destroyed.

We advise attaching an email having a rubberband or tape that states something similar to, “Birthstone engagement ring – be discreet.” This will effectively tip from the officer to allow them to attempt to turn their backs or perhaps be more private.

This is particularly important if you’re discussing a bag or maybe your girlfriend tends that will help you pack. Attempt to put the morganite engagement rings box in a piece of clothing, just like a sock or glove, for an additional layer of protection and security. This should help you keep your secret and hopefully mess up any suspicious. Even when she sees the items in your bag, she most likely will not think hard about this if it appears as though a normal item of clothing.

Number one method to avoid a bag search? Triple check there is nothing inside your bag that’ll prompt one. What this means is ensuring toiletries would be the right size, your laptop has gone out, there aren’t any sharp objects that may be considered unsafe, and first and foremost – no fluids! For those who have a water bottle, make certain to empty it or trash it whether it’s plastic. Avoid something that might trigger concern by airport terminal security.

Sometimes you can find selected for any random bag search. It takes place. Despite your added layers of protection and discretionary note, you’ll still risk ruining the surprise. You may choose to ask her to depart or draw attention away from her in some way. You will need to act fast! Maybe you will get her back switched from the search or ask her to go forward and grab a magazine. Don’t give up hope should this happen, just attempt to consider a method to divert attention elsewhere as the search is going on.

Lengthen Your Locks With Realistic Hair Extensions

It’s difficult to maintain the most recent trends popular once they change every three several weeks. Even though it is easy enough to purchase a brand new skirt or top once the catwalk dictates, drastically switching your hairstyle is an infinitely more complicated – and frequently costly – process. It may be particularly difficult in case your locks are short and lengthy flowing tresses are all of a sudden essential. When you’ve grown hair out again, it is likely that fashion may have altered once again. However, innovations in hair technology are earning it more and more feasible for short-haired women to savor extended tresses without investing in several weeks of hair-growing, mainly through developments in hair extension products.

Previously, hair extensions were considered an inexpensive or tacky means to fix short hair woes since the hair utilized in making these items was either artificial or of low quality. However, newer ones are created with real hair that does not only looks realistic but additionally healthy and nourished. Consequently, they have become an infinitely more attractive choice for women with shorter hair who wish to temporarily extend their locks. Buying extensions could be costly, however, so you need to research which sort is most effective for you before choosing making you buy the car.

Pre-glued ones, for instance, continue for three several weeks. These possess a pre-applied adhesive that may be easily melted and glued to short hair. Pre-glued extensions have to be applied carefully between layers of hair to ensure they are look natural and, since their lifespan is several several weeks lengthy, it is best to ask an expert that will help you apply these properly. After three several weeks, the extensions begin to appear more fake since all of your hair may have grown and altered shape, so they must be removed. This could usually be carried out by the professional who first applied the extensions.

However, if you are searching for something that you are able to apply and take immediately in your own home, clip in extensions would be the solution. Full mind set extensions include clips already attached, to allow them to easily be applied and taken off hair within minutes. These clip-on extensions might be more suitable towards the pre-glued type given that they minimises the quantity of damage that’s completed to your natural hair. In addition, they’re just like realistic to look at as semi-permanent ones when applied properly. Ask the local salon for advice before putting on clip-on extensions and try to make certain you’ve got a friend to assist the very first time you attempt them.

If you’re planning to buy extensions, there’s a couple of essential things to keep in mind. First, make certain the color you buy matches your personal hair colour as carefully as you possibly can otherwise your extensions will appear clearly fake. Keep in mind that many extensions are suitable for straight hair, therefore if hair is of course wavy, you may want to straighten it with effective straightening irons before the first application. Finally, hair extension kits could be costly. However, it’s worth spending more income on superior quality extensions than scrimping on cheaper options. It is because, not simply will hair look more fabulous with higher quality extensions but they’ll also last many years longer.