The best body shapers at Shapellx

Hi my loves, all right?
As many of you know, I’m super adept at going to the gym, and I really enjoy taking care of my body and eating. In the pandemic I gained weight, 8 kg to be exact, and as I had never seen my body like this, it was a shock to me. It’s been 9 months since I got back to the gym, I managed to get back to my normal weight which is 51kg, and now I’m in the process of shaping my body more and gaining some muscle mass.

Thinking about modeling my body more, I found, have you heard of it? There you can find different types of modeling belts, as much as they only take the part of the belt, as they are for shorts, ideal to wear with dresses. And the best, it has a plus size waist trainer too, so no one will be left out of this one. I separated some models to show you.

The body shapers for women are increasingly on the rise, and most women who go to the gym are adhering to belts to shape their bodies. Of course, it is also necessary to have a good diet to have better results.

These models below are nude, in skin color, and are great to put under clothes, it can be under a dress, pants, skirts, so that you feel much more comfortable.

The site also has a page for you to see the waist trainer before and after, with several results from customers who bought their shaping belts and had great results. As you can see, there are several different sizes of straps and there is something for all tastes. Visit the store and choose the ideal one for you. The prices are very good too and the shipping is very fast.

Any questions you have, leave them in the comments so I can answer them!

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