Extremely Effective Tips For Maintaining Healthy Human Hair Wigs

Hair has always been associated with attractiveness and beauty. Everyone, men and women, wants their hair to be the most beautiful. Everyone wants their wholesale human hair wigs to stay in top shape all the time, which is almost impossible. Contamination and constant use of styling tools and colorants can damage real human hair wigs, making it fragile, thin and dry. This can also cause hair to break.

Extremely Effective Tips For Maintaining Healthy Human Hair Wigs

Well, achieving this goal is not impossible, because after reading this article, you will be one step closer to your dream. Here are some helpful tips to keep your human hair wigs healthy and maintain silky smooth hair.

Tip 1: Protect Your Lace Wig

Always protect your lace wig from the sun, wind, and rain. Exposure to excessive sun, heat, dirt, and pollution adds to our already existent hair woes. These can lead to dirt build-up, drying out of hair and scalp, and increased susceptibility to infections on the scalp. Cover your lace wigs with an umbrella or a hat.

Tip 2: Deal Carefully With Wet Hair

Wet hair is very fragile and breaks easily. When wet, the shaft and roots of your hair are more prone to sustaining damage. Don’t be too harsh when shampooing as it may lead to breakage.

Tip 3: Don’t Over Apply Heat On Hair Wigs

Avoid using heat on your hair wigs. Heat strips the moisture content from your hair, making it dry and frizzy. When overused, it can also burn your hair wigs. Use iron/curl, straighteners only if necessary, and remember to use a hair protectant.

Tip 4: Choose Satin Pillow Covers

Sleeping on satin pillow covers is known to reduce human hair wigs breakage due to friction. Cotton and other materials are quite rough in texture due to which they also cause more friction against your human hair wigs.

Tip 5: Dry Hair Cautiously

Pat your hair dry. Do not rub vigorously with a towel. You might dry your hair faster, but the amount of hair that breaks and falls away also doubles up.

Tip 6: Cold Water Is Good For 100% Human Hair Wigs

When washing your hair, prefer warm or cold water over hot water. Cold doesn’t exactly mean freezing cold – you can use water at room temperature. Hot and warm water opens up the hair cuticles and the pores on the epidermis. If the water is too hot, it can damage your hair from virgin hair vendors. Use warm water for shampooing. After you have conditioned your hair, rinse it off with cold water.

Tip 7: Don’t Use Too Many Products

Avoid using too many products on your human hair wigs. While there are certain products you may need to use, like shampoo, conditioner, and serum, try and avoid bottled hair products as much as possible.

Full Lace Wigs

Tip 8: Avoid Overuse Of Chemicals

Overuse of chemical shampoos and conditioners can leave the human hair dull and dry. The chemicals, apart from doing no good to your hair, do no good to the environment. Hence, it is better to use products that are naturally obtained or herbal.

Tip 9: Condition Your Human Hair Regularly

It is important that you should condition your hair wigs from time to time. Same as a mild shampoo, use a mild conditioner. Applying an appropriate amount of conditioner will keep your hair shiny and smooth.

It will keep your hair free from knots that will not lay stress on your hair roots and will prevent hair breakage. It helps manage frizzy hair while adding shine and volume to it.

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